Marked Safe From January 2020
No act of kindness, no matter how small,
is ever wasted.
- Aesop
Hey Sweet Friends, you’ve made it. It’s February. This means several things. For starters, it means that we have successfully made it through the only month of the year that has 738 days. What is it about January that makes it go on forever? I don’t know about you, but my news feeds are flooded with frustration towards January. I am seeing things like “Just kidding 2019, we want you back,” “2020, come on now, we welcomed you with gladness and cheer and this is what you bring us?” “I’ve decided that my 2020 starts on the 1st of February…this was a trial month,” “Marked safe from January 2020” or my favorite, “Get behind me, January”. I’m not sure if you share any of these sentiments, but I think it’s something to be aware of that so many people are feeling this way.
Sometimes we all need to be reminded that through every season and every emotion, God is near.
Our God is a God that can handle our anger. We can yell, punch our pillow or scream into the wall. His shoulders can handle it.
Our God is a God that can handle our sadness. We can cry, and when we do, He will envelope us in His comfort and wipe away our tears.
Our God is a God that can handle our weakness. When we are ready to sit, He will help us up. He will pour His strength into us so we can run on wings like eagles.
Our God is a God who pours down grace, not guilt. His grace is sufficient for us. It covers all of our doubts, sadness, and anger. It covers all of those time we worried instead of worshiped. It covers all of the times we panicked instead of prayed. He will never hold our flaws or failures against us, but He gives us endurance to run even further towards the finish line of the race He has marked out for us. (Psalm 86:5, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Isaiah 40:31)
Those of us who remember and believe this might take the opportunity to do good and remind others around us of these promises. Which brings me to my next point: the turn of the calendar also means it’s time for our monthly encouragement over our words for the year! Where there is extra hurt and pain, there is extra need for us to live out our 2020 resolution words. Let’s not let them become just January words. We are in this for the long haul!
Many of you responded with awesome words to seek this year - words that the world desperately needs to see lived out loud. Whether your word was kindness or hope, joy or gratitude, trust or generosity, the world needs you to step it up. We need to wave our words like a banner over our heads shouting “Comfort! Over here! I’m working on it and I have some to share.” “Kindness! Right here. Come and grow with me.” “Hope lives over here! Come and share the hope I have found!”
Last month our action step was to find a verse that would remind you of your word and post is somewhere in your house where you would see it everyday. Did you do it? Are you ready to take another step?
Let’s be vocal and post our banners for those who need to see it. Our challenge for February is to post something encouraging on our news feed that has to do with our 2020 word. You could find an inspirational quote on Pinterest, or write about your word yourself. Whichever you choose, let people know what you are running towards. Have you ever found that being an encourager can also be encouraging? God put your word on your heart for a reason, and that reason might just be bigger than you!
So whether you word is love or focus, persevere or faith, bear-fruit or kindness, let’s share it and live it at a louder decimal this month!
Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog if you would like to receive a monthly check in and encouragement from me. Feel free to reply to those emails and tell me how you are doing! I don’t want to be left out here in cyberspace all by myself!
His Kingdom come, His will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.